Monday, November 21, 2016

From depressed to determined

Those days when I got low grades at my school
Those days when my seminar failed at my college
Those days when I roamed jobless
Those days when my appraisal didn't go well at work
Those days when I had a dispute with my loved ones
Those days when I had temper tantrums

"Frustration", "Depression","Emotional outburst", "Feel-low", "Stay aloof" - all these words and phrases would turn BOLD,Italics and underlined in my dictionary of life, at those times. Everyone would have gone through similar kind of phases. After all, life is not a cake walk and the tides won't always be up. The way, how we handle those hard phases and come out, is what makes us all strong.

At times,anything or anyone can bring you down and make you feel low, but it can be one and only you who can make yourself stronger in spite of of all the circumstances. As we age, things might never get easier, we must get better instead. There can be no defined step-by-step process that can be practiced to overcome our frustrations. It's all up to an individual how to face it. Yet, here I list the things what I will do when I feel low. If you think, that any of these might suit you as well, my job here is done.

~ A long prayer

The first thing I do, when tears start rolling down my cheeks out of frustration or depression is to go for a long prayer. I strongly believe that the almighty is the only one before whom we can place all our emotions at our hard times. I sit in my prayer room,prepare for a soulful connect with God and pour out all my hard feelings. I have never, ever asked "Why me?" instead, I will ask for help to face my hard times and to make me stronger. After a long session of such soulful connect, I come out with my heart lighter and mind stronger.

~ Count the blessings

You know, one of the worst consequences of being frustrated is to come up with the list of all the things that went wrong, worry about it and getting depressed more. This was the biggest fault I use to make often. I had arrived to a point of realization as how bad it was and now , I start to list up my blessings instead. If my blessings can  make me happier, my hardships have the power to make me stronger.

~ Start the work now

This is nothing but a "Disaster Recovery". Though my long prayer and my "counting-the-blessings"  would help me feel better, if not, I start the work, my jump over my frustrations is just half--way through.  Start the work to clear either the cause or the consequence of the depression. Either way, if it isn't worked up, it will stay stagnant.

Pic Courtesy : Quote Addicts

Let us develop an attitude to see our hardships as opportunities to build a stronger-self. When life throws you the things labelled "Get frustrated out of this", make the things up and throw the same back, with the label as "I became stronger out of this". Triumph doesn't lie in being undefeated, the real triumph lies in , being defeated and raising back again more stronger. So, if something turns up wrong, be strong!


  1. So inspirational! It's true … we always will have bad times but we must surpass it and shine above the rest

  2. Yes Saranya, true. Sometimes we feel, we are the only victim of all the sufferings in the world. Start the work is the best ever suggestion. We can crush into pieces the complexities of the problem and can solve it in its fractions!
