Tuesday, March 7, 2017

More than just curves and curls

At this time,you can see two types of women around you.

Women's day? Yayyy!!!
Women's day? Huh,Whatever!

Yes, it's that time of the year to see and circulate all those "Respect her", "Appreciate her"  and "Protect her" messages.

I can't help but laugh seeing these messages. "Respect her", seriously? And the reasons they quote are even more funny, "She does all the chores", "She cooks", "She works", "She brings up the kid", "She sacrifices everything"...

First of all, I don't understand a point. Why we demand for all these?
Why we demand that women should be respected?
Why we demand that women should be appreciated?
Why we demand that women should be protected?

Instead, why not live a life that it all comes to us, without demanding?
Want others to respect you? Then,live such a life!
Want others to appreciate you? Then,do such deeds!
Want others to protect you? Don't! Be brave and protect yourselves!

Lets not put-forth just gender as a reason to gain respect,appreciation and protection. Only if we had understood that there's more in life than just longing for an appreciation for the dish we prepared, we would take all things ease.

Every year on this, "Women's day" (as defined by the history), we scream on to the deaf ears on what we are to the world. Why not, we scream it to ourselves this time? At least then, we will fathom that we are more than just curves and curls.

 All that we do for vanity reasons don't define us.What is inside only defines us! It is what inside us,the women, be given to our family, it's what with our family, be given to the society, it's what with the society makes the world.

Let's be lovable!
Let's be respectable!
Let's be brave!

Let's spread love and peace and make the world so!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

And here ends my break...

Repaired laptop...

Huh! Don't you think it sounds like a legit reason for my break from blogging?
If yes, thanks!
If no, you are really a shrewd to lean your ear on my lame reason!

I seriously don't know how else, on earth, would I justify my break from blogging in a single word or phrase. Although,  English thesaurus had got many beautiful words to describe a person like me -

Sluggish, Weary, Careless,Passive

Pic Courtesy : Google images

I was totally of all the above type for the past two months. The "new year, new me" stereotype motivations didn't fall on my deaf ears and blind eyes. This day, I was waiting for this kinda day to bypass my "repaired laptop" blah-blah-blah and dust off my blog. And tadaaaa, here I am !!!

When that "inner-self" gives a push, we can no longer stay idle. And, today I got a strong push that I have to fast-forward myself to fill my break. I apply my own post to my situation now :

Pull your socks up!

Yes, here I pull up my sock to run faster! My break is over ! And,I'm going to find the definition of me in the below words,rather!

Active, Alive, Efficient, Progressive

Pic Courtesy : Google images